Tuesday 17 December 2019

Monday 16 December 2019

Back to school Monday

Today we got in groups and found themes, claims , and also the meaning of the work as a whole of the color Purple

Thursday 12 December 2019

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Game day

Today was a normal day , the only difference was that we had a recruiting visit for Alabama A&M I’m proud to say that I’ve gotten accepted

Monday 2 December 2019

Back from break

Today we finished where we left off at on the color purple . We were introduced in to s tragic scene following letters 42

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Tuesday 19 November 2019


Dear God ,
I love Sofia I swear I do . I’d do anything for that woman I’d go over and beyond if I could . Sometimes I gets mad when she doesn’t listen to me and obey me like she should for me to be a man .whej she don’t obey me I beat ya , but it be by mistake I don’t be meaning too .

Monday 18 November 2019

Bad thesis? Good thesis?

Today we went over the claims our classmates made we also read more of the color purple, at the end of class we got a handful of students to do make up claims we had to determine wether it was good or bad

Friday 15 November 2019

Reflecting back on fences

we went over thesis’s that were created by students in our class. We had to say if they were a good thesis or not . We also had to write true or false on claims that were stated by our classmates

Thursday 14 November 2019

New readings of the color purple

today in class we read letters 13-21 they were very interesting. I was introduced to new characters  which makes the novel even better . The more I read I get excited to read mode. .

Wednesday 13 November 2019

New novel intro

Today we started reading “The color purple” the beginning got me kind of emotional. I love it so far it’s very interesting and I’m looking forward to reading some more .

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Discussion questions

Today we work on discussion questions in class . They were kind of confusing but I understood most of them .

Monday 11 November 2019

No school today !!!! I hope everyone had a great Monday and also a great day off

Thursday 7 November 2019

Today’s reflection

Today we tied up with the poem and came to conclusion on what it’s mainly about. We also got back in our groups and went stanza by stanza to analyz the poem .

The moon and the yew tree

yesterday in class we read a poem called “ The moon and the yew tree “  . Mr Rease put us in groups of 5 and we went through the process of analyzing the poem , then we had to present the stanza we were assigned too

Wednesday 6 November 2019

You’re poem

yesterday in class we read a poem called “you’re” the poem was mainly about an unborn child . Through the the poem she uses metaphor and simile to point out important parts isn’t hr play

Monday 4 November 2019

Developing a poem

we created a poem in class today similar to the poem “Mirror” we read in class last week . At first it seemed kind of difficult but once I got started it had gotten easier.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Essay writing

Friday in class we wrote an essay on a prompt that was given on Ap classroom. To me The prompt was easy I just made it difficult. I got kind of confused throughout me writing my essay but I feel as if I did ok

Thursday 31 October 2019


The poem we read in class today was amazing, it tonight it taught me that death of a live one can leave you broken , torn apart and leads to grief . The speaker of the poem “Daddy” Lost her father and also lost a part of herself when he left . 

Lady Lazarus poem

We were introduced to a new poem called “Lady Lazarus . We had to fine the meaning of the title , paraphrase each stanza , find literary devices and follow the other steps that were given to us .

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Mirror reflection

Today in class we read a poem “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath  , afterwards we had to write about what we see when we look in the mirror.

When I look in the mirror... what do I see ? 

When I look in the mirror I see a young woman that isn’t satisfied with her life right now but manages to get through each day. I see a young woman that has great ambition. I see a young woman that doesn’t let her hardships , failures , and discourages exhaust her, but yet encourage her to do better and make better choices everyday & also makes her more hungrier to succeed. I see a young woman with a very bright future that will one day achieve all of her goals and accomplish everything she always prayed for . I see a very smart intelligent young woman who sometimes doubts herself with lack of motivation but still manages to get what needs to be done DONE . I see a young woman who goes through a lot but still somehow keeps a smile on her face . Last but not least I see a young woman who has plenty of flaws that can’t be changed so she has no choice but to love them all .

Monday 28 October 2019

Makeup Monday

today in class we finished our paragraphs we started on with our groups & we also did the play that we were assigned to last week to act out or scenes

Sunday 27 October 2019

Friday’s blogg

Friday we finalized our papers and Walked  around to leave comments on others posters , our group left hat need to be corrected and also the good things we seen while reading their papers

Friday 25 October 2019

play fieldtrip

Yesterday we went to go see a play with our class it was very interesting and I liked it better than the Dracula play . It had more action I’m it I have much interest in plays now and wish I could go see more

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Concluding and a recap from today

Today our third block class was very short due to the homecoming week activities,but with the time that we were in class we finished our paragraph we were supposed to develop yesterday with our group. Today we also had a 90’s day party it was very fun and most definitely something I will remember after I graduate

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Group work

today we got out in groups and had to develop a paragraph . To me working with other people Is easy and hard at the same time . Having so many ideas put together makes work easier, but imagine everyone looking at it differently it wouldn’t be so well

Monday 21 October 2019

Finishing fences

Today in class we finished the play fences , I was kind of confused at the end of the play but overall the play was great , I’m looking forward to reading more plays similar to that one

Sunday 20 October 2019

Developing the first paragraph

Friday we developed our first paragraph for fences . We started off by creating a claim about either the character Troy or Rose , then followed the steps that was giving to us to Create our paragraph

Thursday 17 October 2019

Thursday blog

Today our teacher was out , he left us work on two poems the poems we read sounded very familiar which made it easier to answer the following questions that were assigned to us

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Fences read

we read more of the play “Fences” today. To me it gets more and more interesting everytime we learn more about each character that takes place in the play as well . I okay we also learned about how to characterize an character using evidence form the text

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Corrections and scoring Macbeth essays

Today we went through the process of grading other classmates essays . We checked to see if they had an attention bringer , Thesis statement, the claims and evidence to back up the claims . As we went through we learned how the actual essay would be scored if it was to be scored by an professional. The process was great !

Thursday 10 October 2019

Auburn Speaker 10/9/19

On yesterday we met and spoke with an Auburn representative. He gave us the basics on what to expect , what to look forward too and give if the requirements and expenses . I feel as if Auburn is a Good college to go to just not for me

Part two of fences 10/8/19

the second da reading fences it got even better. As we continue to reading we stray to see the deeper meaning or moral of the story .

Monday 7 October 2019

Fences story 10/7/19

We started reading a new  story called “Fences” today and it is very very interesting I like it already ,I can’t wait to read more this upcoming week .

Sunday 6 October 2019

Friday’s and weekend blog

my weekend consisted of work and makeup work I had to turn in for this quarter before EQT’s which they start Tuesday I feel like I’m prepared and ready for all of them , I’m looking forward to having all A’s and B’s this quarter nothing the less .

Friday 4 October 2019

Quiz day blogger

on Thursday during class we got in our assigned groups in class and we had 5 minutes for each question . At the end we went over all of the questions . At first it was going to be an minor grade but we did a vote and multiple students wanted to make it a mani or grade they most definitely regretted it afterwards

Thursday 3 October 2019

Wednesday’s Kahoot day blog

on Wednesday we got in our groups and played major to gain points for the end of the week . The kahoot game was based on the story the yellow wallpaper , it was very competitive and fun

Tuesday’s blog

On Tuesday we got in team groups . In these groups we gain points at the end of the week , this also helps him to see who’s participating and who isn’t. Even though our group had the least in points I still learned a lot from the students answering the quietest that where asked . I always feel as if a discussion based class is the best !!!

Monday 30 September 2019

Monday’s blog

today we read a new short story in class today . The short story was very interesting the name of it is “The Yellow Wallpaper”. As we were reading Mr.Rease analyzed everytime he read so we could insert it better . I really think I’m going ing to enjoy learning more about this story .

Friday 27 September 2019

Thursday’s blog

we started to form all of our information into a whole essay . First we had to come up with a thesis statement. From that we had to develop our introduction paragraph. The first way to start off a introduction is start off with an attention grabber , then from there you keep going

Thursday 26 September 2019

Wednesday’s reflection

Today I’m class we gathered in a big circle and basically answered discussion questions about the Macbeth play , we also used vocabulary terms and seen how they tied into or how you could relate it to the play , we discussed Macbeth , lady Macbeth , Malcom , Duncan , banquo mostly the main characters .

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Tuesday’s reflection

Im class today we finished the Macbeth play . To me it had a very weird ending,
or maybe just not how I expected it to end . Later during the second half of class each group picked a prompt we had never seen before and we had to connect it to the Macbeth play.

Monday’s blog

Sunday 22 September 2019

My weekend

My weekend was great , unfortunately we lost our football game Friday, but hopefully we will win the next one . The score was 48-0 . Also this weekend I worked everyday and I also woke tomorrow I hope everyone has a great weekend

Friday 20 September 2019

Scenes acted out

In class yesterday everyone was put in groups to act out our scene s we all came up with . Every group consisted of attests 5 people . Two of the groups were very creative by using props while acting out , using sound effects etc... I enjoyed class yesterday and hope we can do more in the near future

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Today in English Ap Lit&comp we read some more of the Macbeth play by Shakespeare. The play has gotten very interesting to me as we keep reading . Every scene there is a new turning point to where I don’t even want to put the book down. I can’t wait to see what’s next in the play, and watch the actual play in person

Class work from today in Ap Lit & comp

Yesterday in class we went over prompts and learned about how to answer them we also went over Macbeth and read for the last 10 minutes of class

Sunday 15 September 2019

Friday we were supposed to have a pep rally but it got canceled . We also had coastal come to our school. My overall weekend and
Week at school was great I hope everyone had a great weekend as well

Thursday 12 September 2019

Thursday blog

Today we went over the poem on our previous test , we analyzed it line by line and stanzas by stanza . We also got our test grades back. Then towards the end we went over the Macbeth play
In class yesterday we learned about America and what it means or stands for , we also discussed what it means to be an American and what abilities to you have bring an American. We all came to conclusion that we have

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Macbeth plays

 Yesterday in class we covered what the deeper meaning of a Macbeth play is , we learned some essential vocabulary dealing with the play and we also got introduced to the characters in the play .

Monday 9 September 2019


Today we had to go in Mr.mai’s classroom , overall my day was great . We had the best lunch today which was hot wings , everyone know that’s my favorite

Sunday 8 September 2019

Friday we had a Pep rally so I wasn’t able to attend English this Friday .. in the meantime my weekend was great even though I worked both days . I hope everyone had a great weekend as well .

Thursday 5 September 2019

Sonnet 29

today we went over the poem sonnet 29 which was about a man doubting himself. He wanted to be like everyone else’s and have what everyone else had . The speaker also felt as if god didn’t love or care about him

Wednesday 4 September 2019

My heart is not complete without you here

My heart is not complete without you here
I’m not myself when you are not around
I feel all alone without you being near
My heart is weak I start to feel down
I start to feel sad and start to shed tears
I feel like a child left in water to drown
Listening to songs with headphones in my ear
From sad to happy but I always have a frown
Voices in my head talking is all I hear
I’m not myself just wish you could be around
Praying nonestop just wishing they would disappear
Without you here my heart will not be found
So long my love far gone my soul apart .
I hold myself no one to fix my heart

William Shakespeare lesson

Today in class we learned how to make up our own sonnet poems , a sonnet includes a lot of things such ass rhyme scheme, syllable count , and also stressed and unstressed words. Me and my fellow classmates figured it’s actually kind of difficult to come up with your own

William Shakespeare

While discussing the William Shakespeare poems Mr. Rease helps us find the deeper meaning of the poems . Yesterday the meaning of the poem was no matter how old or new something is of you love it it will always seem beautiful to you . With that meaning it never gets old to you .

Sunday 1 September 2019

Weekend blog

Friday in English literature and composition we took a test dealing with analyzing poems . I feel like I did better than last time due to the fact I practiced more on poems and analyzing them hands on .

Thursday 29 August 2019

Test grades

in class today we were able to go back and redo our test, but this time we had a partner. When I work with another student I tend to think better and also working with an partner helps by both of you putting your thoughts and ideas together. My test grade improved a lot due to working with an partner on the assignment

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Deeper meaning of poems

In class today we got in groups and analyzed an specific poem that was assigned to us . In our group we had to find the meaning of the poem , paraphrase each line and find out characterization, structure, etc... this helps me as a student understand and grasp the concept better

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Analyzing poems

Today in class I learned how to analyze the title of a poem to get an idea of what it may be about. By breaking it down it helps me as an individual understand poems alot better , taking every word out of  the tile and listing words that breaks down and gives a clear meaning of each word makes it much better to understand

Saturday 15 June 2019

Reader profile

Tytiana Campbell 


English lit&comp

15 June 2019                

                                                                    Reader profile  
My name is Tytiana Campbell and I have many strengths And also weaknesses when reading , prose , or poetry. One of my weaknesses in reading is comprehending the text , but I have gotten a lot better by using the strategies I’ve learned in my 11th grade language class such as underlining things I might find  important in the text ,  circling words I may not understand etc... . My strength in reading is managing my time and making sure I have enough  time to answer questions if required to do so . My weaknesses with poetry is trying to understand the actual meaning of the poem . I try improving my poetry skills by reading more poetry and to see if I can grasp the information and to find the meaning of the poetry the poet writes & also using context clues That is found in poetry . Reading is something I do when I need to just relax and calm my mind .i have a difficult time reading in noisy places it has to be very quiet in order for me to understand what i am reading. I don’t read as much but I am willing and going to start reading more and expanding my vocabulary 

Sunday 24 March 2019

Exploring the unknown

Exploring the unknown is valuable because you can be prepared. Being prepared is always better than not knowing what going to happen or just simply not ready for a good or bad outcome that can take place at anytime. Exploring the future could be a good way to prepare students for careers . Knowing what they are expected to know , develop, and learn will prepare them and let them know what will be expected out of them .

Monday 18 March 2019

why is mealtime valuable?

Mealtime is a very valuable activity because it’s gives families the opportunity to spend time with each other. Ones family Could be very busy and doesn’t have any other free time other than mealtime to discuss certain things. During mealtime families usually discuss what’s been going on with them and others  that day ,or even that week .while sitting down having a meal with a family or friend  it’s more likely for he or she to start a conversation. I’ve experienced a family not talking for months ,but suddenly comes together for dinner and pick back up like they had never stopped talking. In conclusion mealtime has is very valuable meaning and is also a sensible wayy to get one another pleasure and comfort while having a meal.

Thursday 28 February 2019

Chapter 15 was an very interesting chapter to me . In this chapter Vivian asks grant if she should meet his aunt still having a little doubt because she feels as if she had bad luck with the in-law situation. Since Vivian is light skinned when she married a dark skin boy her family freaked out some of them even stopped talking to her .Tante Lou is disappointed with Vivian and also asks her what they were going to do about religion since Grant doesn’t go to church .

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Reflections on chapter 14

this chapter was but also wasn’t very interesting to me , in this chapter Vivian meted tante Lou and some of her friends . In this chapter Vivian also was afraid That they wouldn’t like her . Come to find out Tante Lou’s family is racist .

Monday 25 February 2019

Reflections on chapter 13

This chapter had many twists and turns , but we find out that Grant stopped believing in god after college and we also find out about a new character named “ Eloise Blouie “ . In chapter 13 Tante Lou  starts to question Grant about what had happened during his visit going to see Jefferson , while telling her Grant tells lies.

Reflection on Chapter 12

As I was reading chapter 12 me and grant could relate on some things when a lot is going on I just go to my room and have a drink such as water . In chapter 12 since Grant didn’t want to face Miss Emma after what had happened with Jefferson he want to a club called “Rainbow” and had a beer . While at the club Grant heard some men talking about “Jackie Robinson”. While hearing this it reminds him of when he was a kid everyone loved a boxer named “Joe Louis “ . Also In chapter 12 Grant tried to get Vivian to go off with him ,but she refused because she says she didn’t eat to give her husband a reason to take her kids away .

Sunday 24 February 2019

my weekend February 22-24

My weekend was hectic and frustrating , but although it was frustrating I’m happy I finally got to get my hair done after waiting forever . I also ate very Good this weekend , I went to Ruby Tuesday and also ate steak and an loaded potato tonight . This weekend has taught me to plan things earlier and stop waiting until the last minute to do everything.

Friday 22 February 2019

Reflections on Chapter 10

in chapter 10 Grant takes Miss Emma to see Jefferson two more times . The craziest thing that happened in this chapter to me was when Miss Emma played sick. The reason for Miss Emma playing sick was so that Grant could go to see Jefferson alone without them coming along . When Jefferson goes to the cell alone he is unsure of what to say to Jefferson .

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Reflections on chapter 9

In chapter 9 Grant gets out of school early to go Take Miss Emma  to visit Jefferson.The whole car ride there Grant doesn’t say anything to Miss Emma because he’s still angry that his aunt got him into all of this . When they get there a deputy named Paul leads them to the cell when they suddenly discovered Jefferson just looking at the wall . When Jefferson made a remark and said “nothing matters “ his aunt tried to make it seem like she didn’t know what he was talking about . The whole time Grant tried to prevent making eye contact with Jefferson .

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Reflections on Chapters 7-8

while reading these two chapters I seen that when Dr. Joseph was checking the students teeth it this reminded Grant of the slave masters and cattle men . During slavery times slaves had to get their teeth checked out as if they were animals. Mr. Wiggins feels as though he wasn't teaching the older boys to become better , he didn't want them to become like the other men outside .also in these chapters I seen that The girls were mad that they couldn't go outside and have fun . 

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Reflections on chapters 4-5

In these new chapters I’ve learned so much more about the characters and more . In the few chapters I have read it shows that Grants pride keeps him from truly appreciating the people that he lives with . These chapters also Talks about how Jefferson’s aunt is determined for him to get help becoming a man . Grant feels as if he can’t face Jefferson because he can’t face himself and his own life

Monday 11 February 2019

Reflection from chapters 1-3

Reading chapters 1-3 made me want to keep reading . As I was reading I started to figure out and see the kind of person Jefferson was ,which I seen him as a spiteful person . Jefferson’s aunt wanted nothing but the best for him . In chapter 3 when Emma (Jefferson’s aunt)  was talking to Mr.Henri he didn’t seem very concerned by what she as saying . I’m also hoping in the next upcoming chapters that Jefferson is taught and learns how to become a man

Tuesday 22 January 2019

MLK Analysis

Martin Luther king effectively uses pathos  throughout his speech he does this to appeal to ones emotions . “America has given the negro people a bad check ; a check which has come back mark “insufficient funds”. This means that they have yet what they too, are guaranteed.

Martin Luther King uses allusion in his “ I have a dream” speech . Allusion is and expression or to call something to mind . One example that was used in the “I have a dream” speech was “ Five score years ago a great American  in whose symbolic shadow we stand today signed the emancipation proclamation “.

Last but not least Martin Luther King influentially uses repetition throughout the speech. An is example is when Martin repeatedly uses “I have a dream”....”I have a dream”.....“I have a dream” in his speech . Repetition is the action of repeating something that has already been said or written . Martin uses repetition to state his dreams which is to racism in the u it’s states

Friday 18 January 2019

10 words+Paragraph

zany: amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
stout: somewhat fat or of heavy build
mortification: great embarrassment and shame
lofty: of imposing height(tall)
Stalwart: loyal, reliable, and hardworking
septuagenarian: a person who is from 70 to 79 years old
legitimate: conforming to the law or to rules
frolicking:(of an animal or person)play and more about cheerfully excitedly or energetically
jeering: make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
tormentors: a person who inflicts severe mental or physical suffering or someone

       There was a lofty apartment complex in Upper Westside New York. It was where the Woodwarfs lived. Where Stella Valentino stayed. Stella Valentino was not only the head popular girl at Upper Westside Prep she was the captain cheerleading squad. Stella would jeer at her fellow peers, frolicked with the teacher kids for high grades. She had three stalwart minions who obeyed her every word. The Upper Westside Prep students were tormented and she was their tormentor. Stella never legitimated to Upper Westside Preps regelations. She was a rebel and her pride was more stout than her figure. Stella lived with her grandmother who was a septuagenarian woman. Her grandmother accumulated her wealth from inheritance.The reason Stella lived with her grandmother was that she once dealt with the mortification of bankruptcy with her parents. Her grandmother didn't want her to make the same mistakes as them so she took her. Even though Stella had a Zany sense of humor she still was the light in her grandmother's eyes.

My ideal of the American Dream

The American dream is the ideal by which it is an equal opportunity available to any American.The american dream  allows some of the highest goals to be achieved. I think that the American dream means having a job you like , a house that’s paid for , and also having a place to call your own . You can be successful if your willing to work hard so that you can build a good life for you and your family . Any American should have the opportunity to seek oneself own happiness. My overall idea of the American dream is to have freedom and to achieve goals

Tuesday 15 January 2019


Until we meet again 
we all will leave one day ,but why so soon ?
I try to be strong ,but how without you ?
I know your smiling from above 
I’m going to make you proud ,and that’s for sure 
No more suffering,no more pain 
No cloudy,only sunny days 
The fact that you’re no longer here 
Will always cause me pain 
I will always love you,until we meet again 

Tuesday 8 January 2019

1st semester / learning

This year I learned many things in Ap lit/comp during first semester, but one thing I learned was how to write a synthesis essay .

One thing I need to work on is comprehending the text by breaking it down by Highlighting the most important things , and also taking notes as I read. I also need to work on skimming over the text to save a lot of time

I hope to learn even more this semester so I know I will be fully prepared for the Ap exam


Today wasn’t the best day for me, but I’m still living so I can’t complain. I learn new things from people everyday and it just builds me up...