Friday 18 January 2019

10 words+Paragraph

zany: amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
stout: somewhat fat or of heavy build
mortification: great embarrassment and shame
lofty: of imposing height(tall)
Stalwart: loyal, reliable, and hardworking
septuagenarian: a person who is from 70 to 79 years old
legitimate: conforming to the law or to rules
frolicking:(of an animal or person)play and more about cheerfully excitedly or energetically
jeering: make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
tormentors: a person who inflicts severe mental or physical suffering or someone

       There was a lofty apartment complex in Upper Westside New York. It was where the Woodwarfs lived. Where Stella Valentino stayed. Stella Valentino was not only the head popular girl at Upper Westside Prep she was the captain cheerleading squad. Stella would jeer at her fellow peers, frolicked with the teacher kids for high grades. She had three stalwart minions who obeyed her every word. The Upper Westside Prep students were tormented and she was their tormentor. Stella never legitimated to Upper Westside Preps regelations. She was a rebel and her pride was more stout than her figure. Stella lived with her grandmother who was a septuagenarian woman. Her grandmother accumulated her wealth from inheritance.The reason Stella lived with her grandmother was that she once dealt with the mortification of bankruptcy with her parents. Her grandmother didn't want her to make the same mistakes as them so she took her. Even though Stella had a Zany sense of humor she still was the light in her grandmother's eyes.

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