Tuesday 29 October 2019

Mirror reflection

Today in class we read a poem “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath  , afterwards we had to write about what we see when we look in the mirror.

When I look in the mirror... what do I see ? 

When I look in the mirror I see a young woman that isn’t satisfied with her life right now but manages to get through each day. I see a young woman that has great ambition. I see a young woman that doesn’t let her hardships , failures , and discourages exhaust her, but yet encourage her to do better and make better choices everyday & also makes her more hungrier to succeed. I see a young woman with a very bright future that will one day achieve all of her goals and accomplish everything she always prayed for . I see a very smart intelligent young woman who sometimes doubts herself with lack of motivation but still manages to get what needs to be done DONE . I see a young woman who goes through a lot but still somehow keeps a smile on her face . Last but not least I see a young woman who has plenty of flaws that can’t be changed so she has no choice but to love them all .

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Today wasn’t the best day for me, but I’m still living so I can’t complain. I learn new things from people everyday and it just builds me up...