Thursday 31 October 2019


The poem we read in class today was amazing, it tonight it taught me that death of a live one can leave you broken , torn apart and leads to grief . The speaker of the poem “Daddy” Lost her father and also lost a part of herself when he left . 

Lady Lazarus poem

We were introduced to a new poem called “Lady Lazarus . We had to fine the meaning of the title , paraphrase each stanza , find literary devices and follow the other steps that were given to us .

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Mirror reflection

Today in class we read a poem “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath  , afterwards we had to write about what we see when we look in the mirror.

When I look in the mirror... what do I see ? 

When I look in the mirror I see a young woman that isn’t satisfied with her life right now but manages to get through each day. I see a young woman that has great ambition. I see a young woman that doesn’t let her hardships , failures , and discourages exhaust her, but yet encourage her to do better and make better choices everyday & also makes her more hungrier to succeed. I see a young woman with a very bright future that will one day achieve all of her goals and accomplish everything she always prayed for . I see a very smart intelligent young woman who sometimes doubts herself with lack of motivation but still manages to get what needs to be done DONE . I see a young woman who goes through a lot but still somehow keeps a smile on her face . Last but not least I see a young woman who has plenty of flaws that can’t be changed so she has no choice but to love them all .

Monday 28 October 2019

Makeup Monday

today in class we finished our paragraphs we started on with our groups & we also did the play that we were assigned to last week to act out or scenes

Sunday 27 October 2019

Friday’s blogg

Friday we finalized our papers and Walked  around to leave comments on others posters , our group left hat need to be corrected and also the good things we seen while reading their papers

Friday 25 October 2019

play fieldtrip

Yesterday we went to go see a play with our class it was very interesting and I liked it better than the Dracula play . It had more action I’m it I have much interest in plays now and wish I could go see more

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Concluding and a recap from today

Today our third block class was very short due to the homecoming week activities,but with the time that we were in class we finished our paragraph we were supposed to develop yesterday with our group. Today we also had a 90’s day party it was very fun and most definitely something I will remember after I graduate

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Group work

today we got out in groups and had to develop a paragraph . To me working with other people Is easy and hard at the same time . Having so many ideas put together makes work easier, but imagine everyone looking at it differently it wouldn’t be so well

Monday 21 October 2019

Finishing fences

Today in class we finished the play fences , I was kind of confused at the end of the play but overall the play was great , I’m looking forward to reading more plays similar to that one

Sunday 20 October 2019

Developing the first paragraph

Friday we developed our first paragraph for fences . We started off by creating a claim about either the character Troy or Rose , then followed the steps that was giving to us to Create our paragraph

Thursday 17 October 2019

Thursday blog

Today our teacher was out , he left us work on two poems the poems we read sounded very familiar which made it easier to answer the following questions that were assigned to us

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Fences read

we read more of the play “Fences” today. To me it gets more and more interesting everytime we learn more about each character that takes place in the play as well . I okay we also learned about how to characterize an character using evidence form the text

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Corrections and scoring Macbeth essays

Today we went through the process of grading other classmates essays . We checked to see if they had an attention bringer , Thesis statement, the claims and evidence to back up the claims . As we went through we learned how the actual essay would be scored if it was to be scored by an professional. The process was great !

Thursday 10 October 2019

Auburn Speaker 10/9/19

On yesterday we met and spoke with an Auburn representative. He gave us the basics on what to expect , what to look forward too and give if the requirements and expenses . I feel as if Auburn is a Good college to go to just not for me

Part two of fences 10/8/19

the second da reading fences it got even better. As we continue to reading we stray to see the deeper meaning or moral of the story .

Monday 7 October 2019

Fences story 10/7/19

We started reading a new  story called “Fences” today and it is very very interesting I like it already ,I can’t wait to read more this upcoming week .

Sunday 6 October 2019

Friday’s and weekend blog

my weekend consisted of work and makeup work I had to turn in for this quarter before EQT’s which they start Tuesday I feel like I’m prepared and ready for all of them , I’m looking forward to having all A’s and B’s this quarter nothing the less .

Friday 4 October 2019

Quiz day blogger

on Thursday during class we got in our assigned groups in class and we had 5 minutes for each question . At the end we went over all of the questions . At first it was going to be an minor grade but we did a vote and multiple students wanted to make it a mani or grade they most definitely regretted it afterwards

Thursday 3 October 2019

Wednesday’s Kahoot day blog

on Wednesday we got in our groups and played major to gain points for the end of the week . The kahoot game was based on the story the yellow wallpaper , it was very competitive and fun

Tuesday’s blog

On Tuesday we got in team groups . In these groups we gain points at the end of the week , this also helps him to see who’s participating and who isn’t. Even though our group had the least in points I still learned a lot from the students answering the quietest that where asked . I always feel as if a discussion based class is the best !!!


Today wasn’t the best day for me, but I’m still living so I can’t complain. I learn new things from people everyday and it just builds me up...