Thursday 28 February 2019

Chapter 15 was an very interesting chapter to me . In this chapter Vivian asks grant if she should meet his aunt still having a little doubt because she feels as if she had bad luck with the in-law situation. Since Vivian is light skinned when she married a dark skin boy her family freaked out some of them even stopped talking to her .Tante Lou is disappointed with Vivian and also asks her what they were going to do about religion since Grant doesn’t go to church .

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Reflections on chapter 14

this chapter was but also wasn’t very interesting to me , in this chapter Vivian meted tante Lou and some of her friends . In this chapter Vivian also was afraid That they wouldn’t like her . Come to find out Tante Lou’s family is racist .

Monday 25 February 2019

Reflections on chapter 13

This chapter had many twists and turns , but we find out that Grant stopped believing in god after college and we also find out about a new character named “ Eloise Blouie “ . In chapter 13 Tante Lou  starts to question Grant about what had happened during his visit going to see Jefferson , while telling her Grant tells lies.

Reflection on Chapter 12

As I was reading chapter 12 me and grant could relate on some things when a lot is going on I just go to my room and have a drink such as water . In chapter 12 since Grant didn’t want to face Miss Emma after what had happened with Jefferson he want to a club called “Rainbow” and had a beer . While at the club Grant heard some men talking about “Jackie Robinson”. While hearing this it reminds him of when he was a kid everyone loved a boxer named “Joe Louis “ . Also In chapter 12 Grant tried to get Vivian to go off with him ,but she refused because she says she didn’t eat to give her husband a reason to take her kids away .

Sunday 24 February 2019

my weekend February 22-24

My weekend was hectic and frustrating , but although it was frustrating I’m happy I finally got to get my hair done after waiting forever . I also ate very Good this weekend , I went to Ruby Tuesday and also ate steak and an loaded potato tonight . This weekend has taught me to plan things earlier and stop waiting until the last minute to do everything.

Friday 22 February 2019

Reflections on Chapter 10

in chapter 10 Grant takes Miss Emma to see Jefferson two more times . The craziest thing that happened in this chapter to me was when Miss Emma played sick. The reason for Miss Emma playing sick was so that Grant could go to see Jefferson alone without them coming along . When Jefferson goes to the cell alone he is unsure of what to say to Jefferson .

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Reflections on chapter 9

In chapter 9 Grant gets out of school early to go Take Miss Emma  to visit Jefferson.The whole car ride there Grant doesn’t say anything to Miss Emma because he’s still angry that his aunt got him into all of this . When they get there a deputy named Paul leads them to the cell when they suddenly discovered Jefferson just looking at the wall . When Jefferson made a remark and said “nothing matters “ his aunt tried to make it seem like she didn’t know what he was talking about . The whole time Grant tried to prevent making eye contact with Jefferson .

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Reflections on Chapters 7-8

while reading these two chapters I seen that when Dr. Joseph was checking the students teeth it this reminded Grant of the slave masters and cattle men . During slavery times slaves had to get their teeth checked out as if they were animals. Mr. Wiggins feels as though he wasn't teaching the older boys to become better , he didn't want them to become like the other men outside .also in these chapters I seen that The girls were mad that they couldn't go outside and have fun . 

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Reflections on chapters 4-5

In these new chapters I’ve learned so much more about the characters and more . In the few chapters I have read it shows that Grants pride keeps him from truly appreciating the people that he lives with . These chapters also Talks about how Jefferson’s aunt is determined for him to get help becoming a man . Grant feels as if he can’t face Jefferson because he can’t face himself and his own life

Monday 11 February 2019

Reflection from chapters 1-3

Reading chapters 1-3 made me want to keep reading . As I was reading I started to figure out and see the kind of person Jefferson was ,which I seen him as a spiteful person . Jefferson’s aunt wanted nothing but the best for him . In chapter 3 when Emma (Jefferson’s aunt)  was talking to Mr.Henri he didn’t seem very concerned by what she as saying . I’m also hoping in the next upcoming chapters that Jefferson is taught and learns how to become a man


Today wasn’t the best day for me, but I’m still living so I can’t complain. I learn new things from people everyday and it just builds me up...